Have you seen Raya and the Last Dragon?
I recently watched it and I have to say I loved it. One of the many reasons I love Disney movies is that in each one lessons can be found. Whether it’s you as an adult who learns something, or it’s your child that takes something important away.
Just like the theme parks themselves Disney Movies are timeless and every time you watch one of them you take something new away. It’s the cornerstone f why I love Disney so much, I love learning and growing. With Raya and the Last Dragon, I learned many things. Lessons I needed to be either reminded of or needed to learn.
3 Powerful Lessons From Raya and the Last Dragon
Lesson 1
Not everyone has good intentions. Some people will break your trust and con you. This is a lesson I needed to be reminded of. as someone who was hurt badly by someone, I called a friend last year I had started to become bitter and less trusting. It did not serve me, my family, or the people I was trying to help. I had to be reminded that just because one person did something terrible did not make everyone a terrible person and I needed to have more faith and trust in people. This lesson has helped me to begin to heal.
Lesson 2
Just because something seems impossible doesn’t mean it is. As someone who has lived with a chronic illness most of her life, there are days when things seem impossible. Some days just the thought of getting out of bed seems like an impossible task. However, I do it. I was reminded that you have to take the first step. Yes, you may fail but you may succeed as well. Nothing in life is hundred percent and plans get messed up but the greatest failure of all time is not trying at all.
Lesson 3
Take time to tell the ones you love that you love them. This movie reminded me how easy it is to take the people we love for granted. We get caught up in o\work, school, family obligations and we lose track of time. When what we should be doing is sowling down and taking time to hug our kids and tell them they are loved unconditionally. Spend time with our parents and grandparents let them know they are appreciated for caring and raising us. Let a friend know they are appreciated for who they are. Raya and the Last Dragon reminded me to stop taking people I love for granted because if 2020 hasn’t taught anything it has taught me personally how quickly your loves ones can be taken away.
Raya and the Last Dragon on digital now and DVD on May 18, 2021.
As a Qualified Independent Travel Agent Affiliated With Academy Travel And Mickey Vacations. I Specialize In Planning Disney Vacations. Contact Me HERE For Your FREE No-obligation Quote. Plus as a mobility expert who has visited Disney multiple times, I can help you with most questions.
athena graeme says
My favorite Disney movie is Moana, I love watching how excited my daughter is when she watches it.