Disclaimer: I received a free digital copy of this movie to help facilitate this post. All opinions are my own. Also note this post may contain spoilers
If you have ever been to Disney chances are you have had the please of riding the Jungle Crusie ride. It’s a classic and for me, it’s a must-do at least once every visit. Yes, the jokes are corny, and well yes we all have seen the eighth wonder of the world the backside of water. That doesn’t take away from the pure joy of riding it and getting caught up in the jokes.
When I heard Disney was making a movie based on the ride I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew it was going to have star power with Dwayne”TheRock” Johnson and Emily Blount but the rest well. Needless to say, after watching it several times I found I was absolutely in love with the storyline. I also learned from the movie.
3 Valuable Life Lessons I Learned From Jungle Cruise Movie
Lesson 1 – Know Your Worth
In the movie, Lily hires Frank to take her downriver in search of a special tree with healing powers. When they encounter a problem Frank makes the statement the price just went up.
Know what you are worth. Whether it’s naming a price for work you do or in self-esteem. know your worth and don’t let others talk you down. You are priceless and when you allow people to make you feel less or you lower your asking price for work you devalue what you do. Don’t do it stand your ground and know what you are worth.
Lesson 2 – Believe in Yourself
Throughout the movie, people kept telling Lily to turn back that she could not accomplish her mission. She did not listen and pushed forward. She didn’t allow the men around her to stop her from succeeding.
She believed in herself and her ability. When you believe in yourself anything is possible but you have to believe completely in yourself no one else can do it for you. Know you can accomplish anything you set your mind to and do it. Don’t allow anyone to stop you.
Lesson 3 – Sometimes You Have to Sacrifice for the Ones You Love
At the end of the movie, Lily finally holds in her hand the thing she fought hard to find. A single petal from the tree can heal anything. But when she Frank in trouble she sacrifices it to try and save him.
Sometimes we have to sacrifice things for those we love including ourselves. When we love ourselves or someone else we make choices. Choices that put ourselves or them first. like going to bed early instead of binge-watching one more episode of Games of Throne. Maybe the choice is not to buy a new phone so that you can buy shoes for your kids. Whatever the choices sometimes we must sacrifice to put those we love first.
Disney’s Jungle Cruise is on Digital August 31 and 4K Ultra HD™, Blu-ray™ and DVD November 16
As a Qualified Independent Travel Agent Affiliated With Academy Travel And Mickey Vacations. I Specialize In Planning Disney Vacations. Contact Me HERE For Your FREE No-obligation Quote. Plus as a mobility expert who has visited Disney multiple times, I can help you with most questions.
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