Doing Walt Disney World on a budget is a challenge, but there are plenty of ways to make it
work. One of the parts of your trip where you hold the most power is budgeting your meals
during the trip. Here are my top suggestions for Disney dining on a budget.
Supplement with Snacks
There are two ways that bringing your own snacks into the Disney parks can save you money.
One is by substituting for the pricey snacks you’ll find at the carts and kiosks everywhere. The
other is by rounding out leaner meals by incorporating them as sides. This is especially effective
when you bring in the same snacks that are served in the parks. Cuties mandarins, potato
chips, or Greek yogurt, for example, are things you really end up paying for, but you can just as
easily bring in. If you have kids, save money on the Uncrushable’s and the Dasani water.
This is not just about Disney dining on a budget. Besides saving on food, bringing your own
snacks can save you in a pinch if you are unexpectedly hungry or if your chosen restaurant is
busier than you thought.
Leverage Quick Service
Quick-service dining is the best way to save on food at Walt Disney World. You get a lot of
leeway to make entrees stretch, so you can share easily, especially if you are supplementing
your meals with snacks of your own. Quick-service dining is typically less expensive anyway
and there is no gratuity to increase the price of your meal. As you plan your days at Walt Disney
World, shop around to find quick-service restaurants that have the best bargains for Disney
dining on a budget
Read Menus While You Plan
One of the best things Disney does to help you stay on budget is to provide the pricing info for all the restaurants. You not only get an idea of the budget at a glance with the $-$$$$ classifications, but every menu posts the exact price of all the items. As you plan your meals, you can pick out what you would order and compare the price with the prices of meals at all the other restaurants.
By observing the meal prices as you plan, you can come up with the potential expenses for
each day and tweak your dining plan according to your budget.
Stick to Two Meals Per Day
There is a trick that Disney used back when they offered their pay-upfront dining plans. Your
package would account for one less meal each day and instead include a snack credit. This is how Disney stretched the daily food budget. Although Disney was doing it to get more net profit from your dining plan purchase, you can use the same principle to save money in the parks. Instead of three full meals each day, turn breakfast or lunch into a quick snack.
This is even easier to do if one of your meals is an all-you-care-to-enjoy buffet. You can get
most of your food for the whole day in one sitting. This can also be a trick to create more time in
the park by making fewer stops. It’s also a good way to take extra time out in the middle of a busy day so you can rest and regain your energy. Finally, this strategy can pay off by saving even
more time if you are interested in meeting characters.
Need more help planning your next trip to Disney or just want to talk or ask a question email me at I am here to help make your next trip as stress-free as possible plus my services are 100% free. No strings attached no obligation.
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