As soon as cold and flu season hits I go into overdrive making sure we are stocked up on the essentials. I am not a huge supporter of over-the-counter medicine but rather believe in treating the body naturally whenever possible since I already take so many pills.
As you may already know or heard from family or friends there is no cure for the common cold. That is correct. Nor is there an antiviral medication that can fight the viruses that cause the common cold. Also, you can’t treat the common cold with antibiotics as these are only used to treat infections caused by bacteria.
There are over 200 viruses that can cause the common cold, but it’s most commonly caused by a group of viruses known as rhinoviruses.
So what can you do? Well as soon as cold symptoms hit, you want to get rid of them quickly. It’s hard to focus on the things you love to do when your nose feels stuffy and runny, you can’t stop sneezing, and your throat feels scratchy.
Easy Ways To Get Rid Of Cold Symptoms
Drink Lots of Fluids
Staying hydrated with lots of fluids can thin your mucus and make it easier for you to drain it from your nose and sinuses. Fluids also help with the dryness of your nose and throat helping to get rid of mucous build-up.
Fluids are great but warm fluids are better. It helps with comfort and soothing you. Consider tea with honey to help with a sore throat.
One of the best things for you is sleep. Sleep is essential for your body to rest and heal. Getting sleep helps your body make the proteins needed for fighting infection and inflammation. Do your best to adjust your sleep schedule. Making sure to get that extra rest that will help your body fight off the cold virus.
Salt Water
Whether you choose to purchase saline water or mist or make it yourself. You can do this by mixing salt adn water. Having this on hand can help with congestion. The saline water used in the nose flushes out the mucous build-up. This helps you to breathe easier.
Another use for saltwater is to gargle it. Gargling salt water can help relieve a sore throat. The recommended measurement is ¼ to ½ teaspoon of salt dissolved in an 8-ounce glass of warm water.
Growing up my grandma use to tell us “Feed a cold, starve a fever”. She wasn’t wrong. Eating foods with vitamin C can help to maintain your immune system and get you back to normal quicker. Examples of foods that have vitamin C include fruits like oranges, lemons, strawberries, red peppers, mangoes, broccoli, and other fruits and vegetables.
When you have a cold, you should target any treatment that reduces inflammation. Eat lots of vegetables, herbs, and spices. Examples of vegetables that can support your immune system are red bell peppers and broccoli. Certain spices, for example, curry, garlic, and astragalus are known for treating inflammation.
Keep Things Clean
The most important thing is to keep things clean. It’s important to keep the virus from spreading to your friends and family as it is to relieve your own symptoms. Make sure to clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home and work. Be especially mindful to do so during cold and flu season, or whenever someone around you is sick.
An even better idea. Stay home from work and avoid spreading the cold virus to those around you.
How do you treat your cold symptoms? Do you have a tried and true way to make yourself or family members feel better?
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