Powerful life lessons can come in many forms. For Instant A Wrinkle In Time, to some a classic novel and to other a stunning movie. To a little girl from a poor farming family, it was a key to a magical world and life lessons that are timeless.
Born to a poor farming family, I moved a lot as a child. We went where the work was. I was always the new kid in school. This combined with wearing thrift store clothes and being overweight didn’t exactly make me the bell of the ball nor a very popular kid. but within the pages of A Wrinkle In Time, I found people I could connect with and be friends with.
Fast forward many years later and my friends came to life on the big screen and I got to introduce my then-teenager to my friends. I had come full circle and it was a surreal moment. It also opened a door to have a wonderful conversation with my son about the kind of mom I was and the kind of man I hoped he would be.
Powerful Life Lessons That Are Timeless
Life lessons are taught to us in life, they can also be given via a friend, quote, book, and yes even a movie. As I walked out of the theater that day years ago I realized my son not only learned some valuable lessons but so had I.
Lesson 1
Be the light and not just be the light but be a warrior for it. It feels like our world is plunging into the darkness. Every time you turn on the TV it’s bad news from violence to natural disasters bad things are happening. Some days it feels like the darkness is winning. But you can be the light by showing kindness, love, generosity, even gratitude. A single light can ignite another and another until the light shines brighter than the darkness. So be the light and the warrior of light that leads others to the same.
Lesson 2
Our faults are what make us who we are. We are human and not meant to be perfect. As humans, we are meant to make mistakes, fall down and get back up, be messy, loud, unorganized. the things that make us flawed are what make us beautiful and who we are. And most times it’s the reason people love us for who we are. Your faults make you strong and beautiful.
Lesson 3
Not everything as it seems. All too often we judge a person by a single action or appearance. A young mother snaps at her child and we immediately assume she’s a bad mom. When in reality maybe she just lost her job or got bad news. Not everything is as it appears sometimes so try to look beyond, to see why someone is saying the things they do or acting a certain way. In most cases, you may find that person is battling their own demons.
Lesson 4
Hope, faith, and love are powerful things. They allow us to believe in the unseen, to hold tight to people and things others can’t or won’t believe in. Hope gives us the strength to hold on to the things we love, faith in what we can’t see, and love to cross any realm. Those are pretty powerful things.
What powerful life lessons have you learned from a book, movie, friend, or quote?
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